Eye Pressure Exam

Nearly everyone has done a visual acuity test and probably do so on a yearly basis; however, you may not be familiar with a color vision, depth perception or an eye pressure exam.

Eye Pressure Exam
The eye pressure exam is called tonopathy. In the past, you may had received a puff of air to test your pressure, but now there is a more accurate method that measures pressure by touching the eye. You will receive eye drops to numb the eye (anesthetic eye drops) then a few minutes later, a device with a blue light touches the outside of your eye in order to measure the pressure. Since you have received anesthetic eye drops, you won't feel anything. A normal pressure ranges from 10 - 21 mmHg. Typically, this test is done to monitor for glaucoma, which is due to high pressure (typically > 21 mmHg) in the eye.


Ultrasound of the Eye


Visual Acuity